Kaylee and Colton’s wedding day could not have been any sweeter! Their Memphis, Tennessee wedding was filled with lots of DIY details made by Kaylee’s mom. So much attention to detail was seen everywhere throughout the day. I think one of my favorite details was the awesome isle runner that her mother made! It was pretty fabulous!
By far, my favorite part of the day was witnessing Kaylee and Colton’s “behind the door” style meeting. They chose not to see each other until the wedding ceremony, but wanted to chat for a minute and exchange gifts a little bit before go-time. Their excitement and sweetness was just adorable. Colton’s gift to his bride was a beautiful pearl bracelet from his grandmother’s jewelry shop. So much of Kaylee’s jewelry that day was from the shop Colton’s grandmother once had. So many sweet stories there : ) Among Colton’s several gifts from Kaylee was a journal she had written in since they had gotten engaged. To top off their precious meeting, these two sent me over the teary edge by ending their moments together with the most thoughtful and meaningful pre-wedding prayer I have ever witnessed. It was lovely to see a groom that even in the excitement of anticipating seeing his bride for the first time, thought it to be of utmost importance to thank their Savior and ask for their ceremony to be a blessing to others. Let’s just say… I got chills and it was 95 degrees outside. There’s just something amazing about God-filled weddings!
Enjoy their cuteness and all of the fabulous grey and pink details!
^ Kaylee’s mom also made her beautiful lace and pearl slippers!!
^ Kaylee’s lovely flowers were by Paula DeClerk and her dress was from Low’s Bridal and Formal in Arkansas – which is where I got my dress as well! Love that place.
^ I loved the grey/pink/green combo for their colors! So fresh looking.
^ Insert photographer’s tears here…
^ So many DIY wedding details! The personalized fans were especially nice for the warm weather.
^ And here it is my friends, the b-e-a-utiful isle runner. If you’re going to do an isle runner, this is definitely the way to go!
^ I’m so sappy about weddings lately. This series was captured by Brett right before Kaylee went down the isle. I think every girl that has been a bride can relate to this moment. It was just so sweet to see her go from looking a little nervous to being joyful and ready once she took her daddy’s arm.
^ The fabulous tunes were provided by DJ Jim Stacy and I can’t wait to see their wedding video by the Christian Harrison husband and wife team – Frame Blender Films. It’s so fun to work a wedding with so many great vendors!
^ We MSU alums love us some mini-cowbells ; )
^ Clark Tower and the Tower Room provided the lovely views and atmosphere for the night. Truly a lovely evening : )
Thank y’all for being so adorable! We wish you the best as you journey on as newlyweds.
August 19th, 2012 at 5:16 am
Beautiful Pictures. All of them! I can’t wait to see more.